13th annual scientific conference abuja 2019
On behalf of the executive committees and the Abuja 2019 conference planning committee I will like to specially thank all the presenters and the delegates at this year IAPN 13th annual conference. The Abuja 2019 Conference was a huge success without a doubt. We believed that our dynamic group of speakers had provided in depth insight, as well as actionable and practical tools of engagement with government agencies, service providers, individuals, NGO, families in delivery of mental health care. Thank you all for your participation and support, we received an overwhelming positive feedback on the two days pre conference training on Prevention and Management of Violence and Aggression (PMVA) as well as the conference proper.
Attached is the conference materials, paper presentation from the conference, you can also view and download copies of this materials on our website and Facebook group page. We look forward to seen you all in Northampton UK come 2020.
Application of Trans-Theoretical Model (TTM) as a Health Promotion Model in Tackling Alcohol Abuse.
Development of mental health nursing specialists’ programmes in Ghana
Leveraging on ICT to Improve Healthcare Access in Africa_MyM
Burnout and Health Related Quality of Life Among Mental Health Nurses in South-West Nigeria
Impact of Culture on Mental Health
Depression and suicide risk among nursing profesionals
Lived-in experience of Nurses who handled suicidal patients
Mental Health Policy – Injecting Sanity into Global Polity
Nursing Therapeutic Environment in the Psychosocial Care of the Mentaly Ill
STOMP – A Pilot Implementation
STOMP CLINIC AUDIT – 14.03.19_19
Therapeutic communication and therapeutic nurse-patient relationship